What are the energy saving standards of LED lamps

Energy saving is the trend of the times, now everything is advocating energy saving. LED lamp is the benchmark of lamp energy saving. Good LED lighting can save a lot of electricity, so what kind of LED lamp is more energy-saving?
How to choose a good LED lamp? The following points can be referred to

1: LED brightness is different, the price is different. LEDs for LED luminaires shall be suitable for laser class I standards.
2: Led with strong antistatic ability has long life and high price. Generally, the LED with antistatic capacity greater than 700V can be used for LED lighting.
3: Wavelength affects the color of LED. If the color is required to be consistent, the price will be high. It is difficult for manufacturers without led spectrophotometer to produce pure color products.
4: Leakage current, LED is a one-way conductive light emitting body, if there is a reverse current, it is called leakage, large leakage current LED, short life, low price.
5: Light emitting angle, different uses of LED, its luminous angle is not the same, special luminous angle price is higher.
6: Life, the key to different quality is life, which is determined by light decay. Low light attenuation, long life and high price.

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