To improve the performance of transparent LED display screens, proper maintenance is necessary

transparent led video walls (2)

So what are the main daily maintenance tasks for LED display screens? What are the precautions during maintenance and upkeep? Let’s take a look at some maintenance tips provided by professionals. Tutorial on Daily Cleaning Steps for Transparent LED Display Screen Firstly, it is necessary to consider purchasing better quality cleaning kits. The general cost […]

What is a small pitch LED screen and what are its advantages compared to a regular display screen

transparent led video walls (1)

Small pitch LED display screens are usually used in indoor environments, and are combined with ordinary LCD screens DLP splicing and other products have similar properties, both used for large screen display terminals. However, small pitch LED screens have a longer lifespan and better display performance than these two types. Strictly speaking, small pitch display […]

The advantages and disadvantages of transparent LED display screens

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Transparent LED display screens are receiving increasing attention from various industries due to their transparent display functions and unique application areas. As a popular commercial display device, they can present cool and colorful image effects, making product images bright and bright. The dazzling colors bring users an excellent visual experience. Therefore, more and more people […]

What is the appropriate P value for indoor transparent LED display screens?

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Transparent LED display screens, as a popular media tool, are increasingly favored by a large number of users. Transparent LED display screens release various information in real-time, synchronously, and clearly in the form of graphics, animation, and video. Not only can it be used in indoor environments, but it can also be used in outdoor […]

Led transparent screen guide: Quickly understand what an LED transparent screen is?

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LED transparent screen, also known as transparent LED display screen, as the name suggests, “transparency” is its biggest feature. Unlike traditional screens, it has significant features such as high transparency and ultra-thin weight. The objective performance factors of traditional screens, such as lack of light and air transmission, have caused many problems such as excessive […]

The 9 precautions for installing transparent LED display screens.

transparent led walls

LED display screens are increasingly being used in the media industry. Although LED displays can bring certain improvements to the city’s image, advertising forms are also flexible and diverse. However, users need to pay attention to some precautions during the installation of LED display screens in order to ensure the normal operation of the equipment. […]

How to maintain the stable operation of transparent display screens?

clear led displays

With the development of technology, transparent display screens have been widely used in various fields, some of which are also used to play commercial advertisements and event rentals, in order to ensure the smooth operation of advertisements and the smooth progress of performances and other activities. It is also necessary for us to maintain a […]

Is glass LED transparent screens in the market truly fully transparent?

led transparent screens

Over the years, the application of LED transparent screens in the field of stage design has become increasingly widespread. From TV program stages to various concerts, and then to the 2023 New Year’s Eve concert, glass LED transparent screens have been fully utilized by modern designers due to their characteristics of transparency, unobstructed, and flexible […]

How to choose an outdoor full-color LED transparent display screen?

outdoor led displays

Full color LED transparent display screens have become an indispensable part of outdoor advertising carriers, widely used in advertising, traffic information promotion, cultural dissemination, and so on. Especially in commercial centers and densely populated areas of cities, outdoor full-color LED transparent displays are ubiquitous. The application of LED transparent displays outdoors requires different trade-offs based […]

The four important parameters of LED display screen

led glass display

Correctly guiding users to understand the performance indicators of LED display screens and standardizing the entire LED display screen market is precisely because of the continuous technological innovation of these enterprises that LED display screens have developed rapidly. So, what are the important parameters of LED display screens this year? Here we will explain the […]