Cum să mențineți funcționarea stabilă a ecranelor de afișare transparente?

With the development of technology, transparent display screens have been widely used in various fields, some of which are also used to play commercial advertisements and event rentals, in order to ensure the smooth operation of advertisements and the smooth progress of performances and other activities. It is also necessary for us to maintain a stable working state of LED transparent screens. So what should we do? Here are solutions for the stability of transparent display screens.

clear led displays
In the era of technology, it has become particularly important to shape brands based on products and services. In the Internet era of increasingly advanced science and technology, taking LED display products as the core, the direction of high-end, intelligent, and specialized segmentation will become the best direction for future transformation and upgrading of industry products.

1. System control scheme: The system control requires each link to have a hot backup function, including video sending and receiving equipment, signal transmission cables, etc.. It can ensure that in the event of an unexpected situation in a certain link of the system, the system can automatically diagnose and switch to the backup equipment at an extremely fast speed, and the entire switching process will not affect the display effect on site. De exemplu, in order to meet the needs of stage scenes, LED display screens need to be moved and assembled in the live broadcast scene. If the signal input line of a display screen in the middle of the large screen becomes loose due to staff negligence or other reasons, in the conventional control scheme, from the loose box to the end of the signal cascade, all displays will have no signal. If a hot backup solution is added to the control system, the hot backup function will be activated at the moment when the signal line is loose, and the display screen can still work normally without any impact on the live broadcast site.
2. Material selection: The key materials that determine the stability of transparent display screens include LED lights, driver ICs, power supplies, power signal connectors, and excellent structural design. Our requirements for material selection are: internationally renowned brands, conducting relevant tests higher than industry standards, and meeting various protective function requirements. De exemplu, the selection requirements for switch mode power supplies include overheating protection, and AC input should support wide voltage and surge resistance. DC output should have overvoltage and overcurrent protection. The structural design not only ensures the appearance and fashion of the box, but also ensures good heat dissipation and fast splicing.
3. Transparent display screen working status monitoring: Real time computer monitoring, including temperature, umiditate, Voltaj, smoke, and the working status of the cooling fan, etc.. It can automatically adjust and handle various situations that occur, and provide location and alarm for anomalies. De exemplu, when the internal temperature of a certain box is relatively high due to environmental or other factors, the power supply inside the box may undergo over temperature protection at any time without timely handling. If monitoring the working status of the display screen is carried out in this situation, the system will intelligently adjust the working status of the transparent LED glass screen to reduce its internal temperature. When the intelligent adjustment cannot lower the temperature to the set target, the system will alarm through the staff setting method and provide abnormal box position to notify the staff to handle it in a timely manner